IPHEX and Global Regulators Conclave, an international pharma and healthcare exhibition, was held in New Delhi on September 21-23 this year. Indian Pharmaceutical Products Export Promotion Council (Pharmexcil), under India's national drug regulatory body and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Government of India, organized this significant event.
MoreUzbek delegation of Pharmacopeia met with Gwaza Luther, the head of the Department of Policy and Standards in the field of medical products of the World Health Organization and the International Pharmacopoeia, and the General Manager of pharmaceutical cooperation of the Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States of America, Mr. Dr. Moore Kevin at the international conference dedicated to the 11th edition of the European Pharmacopoeia.
MoreO‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2022 yil 2 apreldagi “Dori vositalari va tibbiy buyumlarni majburiy raqamli markirovkalash tizimini joriy etish to‘g‘risida”gi 149-sonli qaroriga muvofiq joriy etilayotgan, dori vositalari va tibbiy buyumlarni raqamli markirovkalash ishlari yuzasidan “Dori vositalari, tibbiy buyumlar va tibbiy texnika ekspertizasi va standartlashtirish Davlat markazi”ning Qashqadaryo va Andijon viloyatidagi shoʻba korxonasida uchrashuvlar tashkil etildi.
MoreMazkur konferensiyada O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat farmakopeyasi bosh muharriri Xabibulla Djalilov davlat farmakopeyasi 1-nashri, 2-jildining 3 qismdan iborat bo‘lgan kitob ko‘rinishdagi va elektron shakllarinin Sog‘liqni saqlash va dori vositalari sifati bo‘yicha Yevropa direktorati (EDQM) rahbariyatiga taqdim etdi.
MoreJoriy yilning 13-21 sentyabr kunlari Farmatsevtika tarmog‘ini rivojlantirish agentligi huzuridagi “Dori vositalari, tibbiy buyumlar va tibbiy texnika ekspertizasi va standartlashtirish Davlat markazi”da Postmarketing nazorati tizimini joriy etishni yo‘lga qo‘yish yuzasidan postmarketing nazorati jarayonining to‘liq siklini sinov tariqasida o‘tkazishni o‘rganish maqsadida “Xavfga yo‘naltirilgan Postmarketing nazorati” mavzusida o‘quv kursi tashkil etildi.
MoreOn September 19, 2022, an international conference on "Cooperation, innovation, and scientific excellence" started its work in connection with the publication and implementation of the 11th edition of the European Pharmacopoeia by the European Directorate for Health and Medicines Quality in Strasbourg, France.
MoreFollowing the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 2, 2022, "On the introduction of the mandatory digital marking system of drugs and medical products," on September 19 of this year, specialists working at the subsidiary of the State Center for Expertise and Standardization of Medical Equipment and Equipment in Samarkand Region brought up the issues of digital marking system during a meeting.
MoreDuring the visit, the working group representatives got acquainted with the activities of the laboratories of the first accredited research center in Turkey within the company "Abdi Ibrahim."
MoreOn September 14 of this year, the Comparison Laboratory organized the next educational seminar and training for all head nurses of the maternity complex and perinatal center of Tashkent city in connection with the organization of metrological supply in the medical organization.
MoreFarmatsevtika mahsulotlarini sertifikatlashtirish qoidalari Adliya vazirligida davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazildi (ro‘yxat raqami 3386, 12.09.2022 y.)