Sagatova Damira Sunnatovna - head of department
Department staff: 8 employees
- head of department - 1
- deputy head of department -1
- leading specialist - 4
- specialist of I category - 2
The Polygraphist Department is a structural subdivision of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan State institution «Сenter for pharmaceutical product safety»
In order to maintain the publishing activities of the Department, according to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 181 of May 22, 1995, on May 22, 2000, the press and Information Agency of Uzbekistan issued Certificate No. N10-583.
Resolution No. 454 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 27.12.2002 was re-registered with N10-3201 on 17 November 2003, and on 30 January 2014, N10-3201 was re-officially registered on 6 October 2017. On October 11, 2022, the information Mass Communications Agency of the administration of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan issued an approval number No. 042651 for printing activities, the serial number of which is X-119222, according to the approval register.
The magazine is registered as "Mass Media" (Mass Media) by the Agency of the State Committee of Press and Information of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Registered in 2008 on August 18 given certificate No. 0543. Re -registered certificate No. 0543 from January 12, 2018. The journal "Pharmaceutical Bulletin of Uzbekistan" in 2010 August 6 was given from the National Chamber of Commerce International Standard Serial Number ISSN 2181-0311. Journal "Pharmaceutical Bulletin of Uzbekistan" is included in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for publication of main scientific results of doctoral dissertations.
Brief information on the Polygraphist Department
The department publishes:
State Register of Medicines and Medical Devices of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is published annually in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Medicines and Pharmaceutical Activities" and is an official document for all bodies, institutions and organizations involved in drug circulation. It is published annually in electronic and book form.
Submitted data on medicines, medical equipment and medical devices are entered into the database in Access format. Electronic version of State Register is under development - search: by trade and international names; manufacturing firms; pharmacotherapevtic groups; country; date of registration and number of registration certificate; sorting by different keys; opportunity to print search results; available software interface. Monthly updated and posted on the official web site of State institution «Сenter for pharmaceutical product safety» .
Publishes quarterly magazine "Pharmaceutical Bulletin of Uzbekistan". It publishes reports on topical issues of pharmacy and health care, official guideline documents, reports of the state center, methodological recommendations, scientific research, news of medicine and pharmacy, news of registration, certification and standardization, etc.
Our requisites:
Tel: (71) 203-01-01; (ext. 2361, 2362)
E-mail: farmkomitet@ssv.u
Departments and subdivisions
- Accounting department
- Committee on new medical equipment
- Davlat farmakopeyasini ishlab chiqish boʻlimi
- Department for certification of medical products
- Department of finance and economy
- Department of Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities
- Department of pharmacological control
- Department of Public Procurement and Contracts
- Department of working with human resources
- Komplayens va moliyaviy nazorat shoʻbasi
- Laboratory for quality control and standardization of medicines
- Laboratory for quality control of medical devices and medical equipment
- Laboratory of vaccines, serous drugs and microbiological research
- Metrological Service of the Ministry of Health
- Narcotics Control Committee
- Pharmaco-toxicological research laboratory
- Pharmacological committee
- Pharmacopeia Committee
- Quality Management Department
- Registration department
- Sinov markazi
- The Information Technology Department
- Yuridik bo‘lim
- Отдел административно-хозяйственных дел
- Отдел внедрения специальной цифровой маркировки
- Отдел международных отношений
- Отдел формирование референтных цен
- Управление постмаркетингового надзора