Hafizov Otabek - Head of Information Technologies Department
The information technology department (IT department) consists of 8 employees and performs the following main tasks in its activities:
- System Management and Technical Support
- Servers and Network Infrastructure: The department manages the servers, internal and external networks, and internet infrastructure of the Center, ensuring the smooth operation of all software and data systems.
- Technical Support Service: The department provides daily technical assistance to other departments, promptly resolving any issues to ensure the Center's operational stability.
- Data Security
- Confidentiality and Security Measures: Data crucial to pharmaceutical product safety is protected through strong password policies, two-factor authentication, and regular security checks.
- Data Encryption: Critical data is encrypted and accessible only to authorized personnel, helping to maintain data confidentiality.
- Security Monitoring and Analysis: The department ensures system security through antivirus protection, malware detection, and user activity monitoring.
- Working with Pharmaceutical Data
- Digital Data Management: Centralized management, storage, and archiving of digital data on pharmaceutical products, ensuring precise, reliable, and secure storage.
- Data Integration: Enhancing the efficiency of information exchange between the Center’s internal and external systems to ensure the safety and quality of pharmaceutical products.
- Software Development and Implementation
- Software Solutions: The development and modernization of software used in the Center’s daily activities, as well as specialized software for controlling and monitoring pharmaceutical product safety.
- Process Automation: Implementation of software solutions to automate data entry and processing, which improves overall efficiency and reduces human error.
- Implementing Innovative Technologies
- Applying Digital Solutions: Supporting the Center’s technological advancement through the implementation of modern technologies, including analytical systems, artificial intelligence, and big data processing.
- Use of Cloud Technologies: Exploring cloud storage possibilities and developing projects for their use to enhance security and efficiency.
- Serving the Public and Professionals
- Creating and Managing Information Platforms: Creating and managing open information platforms and websites to provide information on the safety of pharmaceutical products.
- Social Engagement and Customer Relations: Developing and managing technical solutions for establishing connections with the public and clients, reviewing incoming suggestions and complaints regarding pharmaceutical product safety.
These tasks contribute to ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical products and providing the public with reliable information.
Departments and subdivisions
- Accounting department
- Committee on new medical equipment
- Davlat farmakopeyasini ishlab chiqish boʻlimi
- Department for certification of medical products
- Department of finance and economy
- Department of Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities
- Department of pharmacological control
- Department of Public Procurement and Contracts
- Department of working with human resources
- Komplayens va moliyaviy nazorat shoʻbasi
- Laboratory for quality control and standardization of medicines
- Laboratory for quality control of medical devices and medical equipment
- Laboratory of vaccines, serous drugs and microbiological research
- Metrological Service of the Ministry of Health
- Narcotics Control Committee
- Pharmaco-toxicological research laboratory
- Pharmacological committee
- Pharmacopeia Committee
- Printing department
- Quality Management Department
- Registration department
- Sinov markazi
- Yuridik bo‘lim
- Отдел административно-хозяйственных дел
- Отдел внедрения специальной цифровой маркировки
- Отдел международных отношений
- Отдел формирование референтных цен
- Управление постмаркетингового надзора