Following the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 2, 2022, "On the introduction of the mandatory digital marking system of drugs and medical products," on September 19 of this year, specialists working at the subsidiary of the State Center for Expertise and Standardization of Medical Equipment and Equipment in Samarkand Region brought up the issues of digital marking system during a meeting.
MoreDuring the visit, the working group representatives got acquainted with the activities of the laboratories of the first accredited research center in Turkey within the company "Abdi Ibrahim."
MoreOn September 14 of this year, the Comparison Laboratory organized the next educational seminar and training for all head nurses of the maternity complex and perinatal center of Tashkent city in connection with the organization of metrological supply in the medical organization.
MoreFarmatsevtika mahsulotlarini sertifikatlashtirish qoidalari Adliya vazirligida davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazildi (ro‘yxat raqami 3386, 12.09.2022 y.)
MoreDunyodagi har bir inson hayotining maʼlum bir davrida kasallikning oldini olish yoki davolash uchun dori-darmonlarni qabul qiladi. Dori vositalari isteʼmol qilishdagi xatolar butun dunyo bo‘ylab sog‘liqni saqlash muassasalarida bemorlarni oldini olish mumkin bo‘lgan zararning asosiy sabablaridan biridir.
MoreDuring the visit, the working group got acquainted with the activities of the laboratories of the scientific research center of the company. In addition, experts studied the ISO 9001 and ISO IES 17025 international standards, their implementation, and the working mechanisms of these standards in these laboratories.
MoreFarmatsevtika tarmog‘ini rivojlantirish agentligining “Dori vositalari, tibbiy buyumlar va tibbiy texnika ekspertizasi va standartlashtirish davlat markazi” davlat unitar korxonasi (“Davlat markazi”) faoliyatida korrupsiyaviy xavf-xatarlarni aniqlash va va baholashdan o‘tkazishni tashkil qilish masalalari yuzasidan o‘quv-seminar o‘tkazildi.
MoreFarmatsevtika tarmog‘ini rivojlantirish agentligi huzuridagi Dori vositalari, tibbiy buyumlar va tibbiy texnika ekspertizasi va standartlashtirish Davlat markazining Qiyoslash laboratoriyasi mutaxassislari ayni kunlarda xizmat safari bilan Turkiya davlatida bo‘lib turishipti.