How many vaccines have been received by which segment of the population so far?

06.08.2021 5554

The press service of the SSV reports on the ongoing vaccination process in the country.

As of August 3, vaccination rates across the population are as follows:

◾️ Citizens over 65 years - 1 350 573 doses;
◾️ medical staff - 887,041 doses;
◾️ school teachers - 964 112 doses;
◾️ Employees of preschool education institutions - 360 532 doses;
◾️ Those with chronic disease - 1,290,655 doses were vaccinated, and the rest of the vaccines were spent on other segments of the population.

It should be noted that in accordance with the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
◾️ 1-dose vaccines against coronavirus infection in several segments of the population over 18 years of age by September 1, 2021;
◾️ 2-dose vaccines until October 1;
◾️ Mass vaccination with 3 doses of vaccines (except in cases of health contraindications) was prescribed until November 1.