Expanded lists of narcotic and psychotropic substances

01.11.2018 15760

The lists of prohibited and restricted in circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors were amended by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 27, Norma.uz reported.

The list of prohibited narcotic drugs has been expanded from 238 to 265 items, restricted in circulation - from 51 to 53. The number of psychotropic substances restricted in circulation has increased by 4 (an increase from 81 to 85 items), and precursors - by 3 (from 26 to 29 items) ...

The law, signed by the President on October 22, introduced criminal liability for illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage, sale and other actions with analogues of drugs.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 878 of October 27, 2018 "On Amending the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 330 of November 12, 2015" On improving the procedure for import, export and transit through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, as well as control over their turnover "".

Source: Gazeta.uz