Center for Good Practice in Pharmaceuticals established

06.08.2021 5792

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 03.08.2021 No. 486 "On additional measures to implement the requirements of good practices (GxP) in the pharmaceutical industry" was adopted.

To ensure coordination of work on state registration, standardization, certification, technical regulation of pharmaceutical products and the introduction of advanced foreign experience and international standards in the pharmaceutical industry:

from the State Center for Expertise and Standardization of Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Devices of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the Department of the National Inspection of Good Practices (GxP) is separated. It is being reorganized into the Agency's Good Practice Center in the form of a state unitary enterprise.

The following main tasks of the Center are defined:

⚫️ organization of work on the implementation of international standards of good practice (GxP) at enterprises and organizations of the pharmaceutical industry;
⚫️ conducting pharmaceutical inspections for certification in accordance with the requirements of good practice (GxP);
⚫️ ensuring the harmonization of standards for medicines, medical products and medical equipment produced in Uzbekistan with international standards;
⚫️ coordination of international cooperation in the field of creation, production, regulation of medicines, medical products and medical equipment, quality control, implementation of the international quality management system "ISO" and the Rules of Good Practice (GxP) in the process of technical regulation.

The sources of funding for the Center are:

⚫️ income from rendered paid services;
⚫️ grants from IFIs, foreign organizations and donor countries;
⚫️ charitable funds of legal entities and individuals;
⚫️ other sources not prohibited by law.

The document was published in the state language in the National Database of Legislation and entered into force on 03.08.2021.