Minister of Health Alisher Shadmanov: "Smart Medicine" and "Single Center of Medical Information" in the healthcare of Uzbekistan

12.04.2018 12782

The State Program for the Implementation of the Action Strategy for the Five Priority Areas of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, in the Year of Support for Active Entrepreneurship, Innovative Ideas and Technologies, indicates adaptation to current conditions and the introduction by the end of this year of the concepts of "Smart Medicine" and "Single Center medical information ”.
What are Smart Medicine and Unified Health Data Center? What principles do they work on? Currently, the Ministry of Health is carrying out a lot of work to fulfill these tasks, and this cannot but be of interest to compatriots. Because the concept as a new phenomenon will firmly enter the field of health care.

“In his Address to the Oliy Majlis, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized the need to adapt to our conditions and introduce the concept of“ Smart Medicine ”and“ Unified Center for Medical Information, ”says Minister of Health Alisher Shadmanov. - In countries that follow an innovative path of development, “smart technologies” are widely introduced in all areas: the systems “Smart Home”, “Smart Village”, “Smart City” ensure successful and stable development. The main goal of “smart technologies” is to minimize time and effort, to achieve high performance. Smart Medicine and Unified Health Information Center are also being developed on this basis. They will make it possible to ensure early detection of diseases, to carry out their remote prevention. Most importantly, the quality of the service will be the same in remote areas and in cities.

The “Unified Center for Medical Information” is an electronic knowledge base containing up-to-date information on patient treatment recommendations. All information regarding successfully treated cases will be entered into the database with recommendations on methods and methods of diagnosis, prescriptions. The attending physician will be able to enter the initial information (diagnosis, symptoms, patient's allergic reactions, etc.), set a search for a similar case. Based on the results of the search, the doctor will be given recommendations and advice on treatment.Алишер Шадманов

“The advantages of this system are obvious,” continues the Minister of Health Alisher Shadmanov. - First of all, it will reduce human error. It will also increase the percentage of successfully treated cases, which, in general, will increase the level of satisfaction of the population with the quality of medical services. Simply put, a health information center aims to provide convenience for doctors and patients.

The “Smart Medicine” system will provide for and take into account the development and implementation of innovative methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment; and the use of the latest advances in biotechnology / pharmacology and nanotechnology.

For example, by means of special chips installed on the patient's body, the doctor, regardless of location, will be able to get acquainted with important information about his current state of health. For example, it can be body temperature, blood sugar, blood pressure. This will allow early detection of the symptoms of diseases and the prevention of diseases in the early stages of development, monitoring of the patient's health.

To implement the Smart Medicine and Unified Medical Information Center projects, the Ministry of Health closely interacts with the Ministry of Innovative Development, the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions and the city of Tashkent.

Source: Information Service of the Ministry of Health