Medicines can be bought online

15.02.2018 10677

The portal and mobile applications for the purchase and delivery of medicines and medical devices are planned to be launched in Uzbekistan by December. This is provided for by the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the accelerated development of the pharmaceutical industry dated February 14.

The portal and applications, which will be developed by the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, will also allow determining the location of pharmacies, while information about their licenses will be reflected as the main indicator.

The document also prescribes, by April 1, to approve the deployment of social pharmacies throughout Uzbekistan. In remote areas, socially important medicines will be delivered by mobile pharmacies based on Damas minivans.

In state medical institutions and social pharmacies, an automated system for the registration of medicines and medical devices will be introduced. In addition, it is proposed to introduce a system of special markings in the country to automate the process of accounting and reporting, as well as to identify a drug and a medical device.

A Public Commission is being created to study and eliminate the problems of the population in the provision of medicines. Every 10 days, the commission will travel to the regions to study the opinions and recommendations of the population regarding the work of the pharmaceutical industry, the state of affairs in providing citizens, especially those who are socially vulnerable and living in hard-to-reach regions, with socially significant and affordable medicines.

The duties of the commission also include identifying the reasons and conditions for overstating the cost of drugs and committing other offenses and promptly eliminating them together with the prosecutor's office.

As follows from the document, Director of the Agency for Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry under the Ministry of Health Z. Dusanov and his first deputy M. Dusmuratov were dismissed from their posts for "serious shortcomings in work and lack of proper initiative".

Source: ""